第375次例會 - Taiwan Rotaract Roundtrip 2017
十月 Round Trip 例會行程:
日期:10/4(三) 中秋節
日期:10/9(一) 國慶連假
2:30 從瑞芳火車站出發→搭788客運(車程50分鐘)
3:20 抵達基隆地方法院(做鳳梨酥的地方)
3:30 預計開始製作鳳梨酥(1.5小時)
5:00 結束後→居家歡唱卡拉OK
7:00 巷口搭2088客運回到台北市府轉運站
Welcome to the official event page of Taiwan Rotaract Roundtrip, 2017 edition!
Taiwan Rotaract Roundtrip 2017 is a seven-days tour organized on a national level by multi-district Rotaract Clubs in Northern Taiwan (RID 3481, 3482, 3490, and 3522). It exists to share experience and fellowship with Rotaractors from all over the world, as well as give participants a taste of our culture!
Why Taiwan?
1. It is a breath-taking island, with extremely diverse natural scenery and ecology.
2. Taiwanese people enjoy life through eating and practice constantly!
3. The mixture of historical and diverse cultural influences mean that Taiwan has a distinct culture unlike anywhere you might already know.
4. It is constantly ranked on the top of the list for being one of the safest countries to travel.
5. Not many people know just how amazing the country is, which makes it one of the most underrated yet undisturbed destinations in Asia.
Taiwanese hospitality and Rotaract fun awaits, come join the party!!!
✈ Trip dates: 3rd ~ 9th October, 2017
7 days X 3 cities X 8 trippers X 1 adventure = Memories and friendships of a lifetime!
Round-Trip 2017 – 鳳梨酥手工DIY
大稻埕團第二彈活動 - 鳳梨酥手工DIY成就達成
今天下午我們大家也體驗到了,如何製作傳統的點心 - 鳳梨酥
從材料的準備 - 器具的使用 - 將餡料(冬瓜醬+鳳梨?)與外皮 -
包成半成品 - 並以模具塑形 - 到最後進入烤箱烘培......等等...
P.S. 也要感謝I.P.P. Megi Huang在活動前的努力,Also帶給大家非常多的歡笑XDD